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About Corlyss

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Corlyss  Hagarty graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) and received her license to practice in 2001.  She holds a Bachelor of Science (biology) with honours from the University of Victoria, BC.

She has an extensive athletic background in competitive swimming, triathlon, rowing, and basketball.  Currently, she enjoys staying fit, helping other athletes optimize their performance and supporting her own kids in their competitive athletic pursuits. Corlyss offers naturopathic medical services to all members of the family and has special interests in integrative cancer care, women’s health, and sports medicine.

She is continually awed by the power of Naturopathic medicine and especially foundational supports (healthy food, sleep, exercise & a non-judgemental space to be heard) to restore health.  She is thankful to all of her past and present patients who have trusted her to be a part of their health care team, shared their stories, and helped her grow as a Naturopathic Doctor.  Corlyss, her husband, and their 3 children live in Guelph, ON, where they strive to maintain an active, healthy, nature-connected lifestyle.